Join Us

Join us! Because stars are exactly what we need. We want your personality to sparkle and your customer service to shine. If you think it’s just giving someone a lift down the road then you are probably not for us. Our reputation as the No. 1 Southampton taxi company is built on our drivers, they care for their customers. They take pride in what they do, they are professional, they are awesome, they are stars!

Southampton Badge? Join us.

If you have a Southampton Private Hire Licence, then you should have heard of us. If you haven’t let’s help you out…..We are the guys that have the best corporate, cruise ship and hotel contracts. Together with the highest number of airport and long distance journeys. The latest cutting edge technology producing  the fairest distribution of trips. Coupled with an amazing driver support team we have it covered. Besides discounts, free holidays and quality reward schemes don’t forget the most fabulous customers on the south coast.

Bored, fancy a change or just a bit of extra cash? Join us.

So if you have read through the sections above you should get a grasp of what we are about and what we can offer. If you think you are a star or with a little bit of TLC and some friendly guidance you know you can sparkle, get in touch. We’ve been doing this a while now so anything you would like to know we’re pretty sure we have the answers. Come in for a chat we’ll take you through the options, if it’s the thing for you we’ll hold your hand and get you through. To begin with you may want to have a look at the Council’s Taxi Licensing pages here. Otherwise you can join us by getting in touch.

What you’ll need to get started

Great Communication

So you can clearly understand the needs of your passenger

Drivers Licence

If you don’t have a badge we can help you through the process

Excellent Service

Share our passion for delivering first class customer service